Home NEWSEntertainment ‘Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey 2’

‘Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey 2’

by Nagoor Vali

With a good price range and premise to damage your childhood, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey acquired combined critiques, none of which slowed down the field workplace success. The irresistible curiosity to observe a nostalgic story turned nightmare proved extra highly effective than any criticisms of the film itself. All of the hype and success thrust the producer and director Rhys Frake-Waterfield right into a place the place a high-budget sequel grew to become greater than a risk. Now, the extremely anticipated Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 has an estimated launch date and a a lot bigger price range to work with.

If it wasn’t apparent already, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey is a twisted story in regards to the beloved childhood Disney character Winnie the Pooh. Solely this time, he’s gone wild from the abandonment of his now-grown grownup companion, Christopher Robin. This time, in its sequel, there are up to date costume designs, greater storylines, and way more gore. We are able to anticipate an expanded character base, with extra individuals to slay, and rumors counsel that our murderous teddy bear will lastly depart the Hundred Acre Wooden.

There are excessive hopes that this time, Blood and Honey 2 will not simply be a gimmick that pulls the eye of morbid curiosity however a full-fledged slasher horror film that may terrorize audiences worldwide. As we brace ourselves for its launch, let’s dive into all the small print we have gathered and await the subsequent chapter on this surprising horror saga.

Editor’s Notice: This text was up to date on January 6, 2024.


‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey’ Proves Not Each Kids’s Story Is Proper for Horror

Do we have to damage everybody’s childhood?

When is ‘Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2’ Coming Out?

Picture by way of IGN/Altitude

In accordance with an unique first look on IGN, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 is estimated to be launched in February 2024. That is, maybe not coincidentally, solely a month after Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet’s good good friend Tigger turns into public area, enabling these filmmakers to introduce one other terrifying monster to the story.

Is There a Trailer for ‘Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2’?

There isn’t a trailer for Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 but.

The place Can You Watch ‘Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2’?


There isn’t a present info on the place Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 will play upon its launch; nevertheless, you possibly can hire or buy the unique Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey on Amazon Prime Video whereas ready.

Who Stars in ‘Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2’?

Scott Chambers (Hen) will play the previous proprietor and finest good friend to Winnie-the-Pooh and the remainder of the Hundred Acre Wooden creatures, Christopher Robin. Ryan Oliva (Strike Again) is starring as none apart from the murderous Winnie himself, and Peter DeSouza-Feighoney (The Pope’s Exorcist) performs a younger Winnie. Though the primary installment of Blood and Honey insinuated Piglet’s demise, he’ll apparently return within the sequel, performed by Eddy McKenzie. Lewis Santer is embodying the function of fan-favorite Tigger. And earlier than complaining that he needs to be an orange tiger, do not forget that this model of Tigger is the unique launched to the general public area.

Within the 95+ yr previous books, Tigger was primarily in black and white with, at most, a pale yellow tinge of coloration added. Marcus Massey can also be reintroducing us to an previous good friend taking part in Owl, essentially the most clever and cheap character within the Hundred Acre Wooden, which might create an fascinating dynamic within the Blood and Honey storyline. Lastly, from what we all know, Simon Callow (Shakespeare in Love) has been solid as Cavendish, rumored by Selection to have a reference to Robin, a real testomony to the price range enhance for this sequel.


‘Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey’ and 9 Horror Motion pictures with Ridiculous Killers

You have by no means seen slasher villains like these!

What’s ‘Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2’ About?

winnie the pooh blood and honey-10
Picture by way of Jagged Edge Productions

Thus far, from the primary film, we all know that Winnie-the-Pooh is attempting to find Christopher Robin, killing everybody in his path. The psychotic break was maybe instigated by Robins’s abandonment of the Hundred Acre Wooden and his pals, and perhaps the forest animals’ determination to horrifically cannibalize the late unlucky Eeyore, who might by no means catch a break. The introduction of acquainted characters, Owl and Tigger, guarantees a deeper dynamic together with Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet. Nonetheless, nearly all of details about the brand new plot was revealed within the announcement of the Cavendish character. Cavendish is alleged to have previous ties with Robin and is introduced as a regretful alcoholic with a tormenting previous. Together with this information, it was revealed that the Hundred Acre Wooden characters will likely be leaving to terrorize the small city of Ashdown. It’s solely anticipated that this may depart room for extra murderous gore as

Winnie-the-Pooh and his gang wreak havoc on the general public.

Extra Rhys Frake-Waterfield Directed Movies That You Can Stream Proper Now

The Area 51 Incident
Picture by way of Prime Video

The Space 51 Incident – Set within the eerie confines of the mysterious Space 51, The Space 51 Incident begins when a sudden outbreak threatens its inhabitants. Survivors discover refuge in an underground bunker, hoping to attend out the menace. The story is centered in 1951 on a hid British website, which many consider to be an interstellar gateway to the far-off Kepler 22B planet. Contemporary faces on this secret world, Trent and Jenny, attempt to make sense of the chaos surrounding them. However their try at understanding is thwarted when alarms blare, signaling the doorway of unimaginable creatures — starting from grotesque baboons to terrifyingly outsized bugs. As tensions rise and no signal of rescue, a haunting realization strikes: maybe the bunker holds extra than simply people.

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Firenado – On this movie, a bunch of devoted scientists unveil groundbreaking know-how geared toward controlling the world’s climate. Nevertheless, issues do not go as deliberate, and a malfunction causes a fiery twister that wreaks havoc, decimating landscapes and cities in its path. As these scientists scramble, making an attempt to rectify the disastrous state of affairs they precipitated, a shocking twist arises: throughout their mission, they’ve a deadly run-in with criminals who selected a house for an invasion that is instantly within the fiery twister’s path. With hazard coming from each the weather and these surprising foes, the group finds themselves battling on two urgent fronts. Firenado isn’t just an action-packed journey; it highlights the fragile steadiness between human innovation and the unpredictable forces of nature.

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The Killing Tree – This movie goes deep into the feelings of a grieving widow, consumed by the ache of her loss. She embarks on a determined quest to deliver again her executed husband. Turning to historical, forbidden magic, she hopes for a reunion. Nevertheless, the magic backfires in essentially the most surprising approach: He returns not as the person she liked however as a vengeful Christmas tree. Set in the course of the festive season, this movie is not nearly supernatural happenings however serves as a reminder of the hazards of meddling with forces past our understanding. As houses get adorned and the vacation spirit turns into palpable, a sinister risk lurks within the shadows, turning pleasure into concern.

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